Class Texts

We will be using this page of our blogs to share with you information about our current guided reading book.

Our previous guided reading book is “Pebble in my Pocket” by Meredith Hooper and Chris Coady.

Where do pebbles come from? How were they made? This book tells the story of a pebble, from its origins in a fiery volcano 480 million years ago to a busy, modern landscape. Readers follow the processes of rock formation and erosion that create new pebbles all over the world.

Discussion Points:

What type of book are you reading? Is it fiction or non-fiction?

How does this book help us to understand the rock cycle?

Can you tell us what it may tell us about how people lived during the Stone Age?

We will be using this page of our blogs to share with you information about our current guided reading book.

Our previous guided reading book is “Greta and the Giants” by Zoe Tucker.

This inspiring picture book retells the story of Nobel Peace Prize nominee Greta Thunberg – the Swedish teenager who has led a global movement to raise awareness about the world’s climate crisis – using allegory to make this important topic accessible to young children.

Greta is a little girl who lives in a beautiful forest threatened by Giants. When the Giants first came to the forest, they chopped down trees to make houses. Then they chopped down more trees and made even bigger homes. The houses grew into towns and the towns grew into cities, until now there is hardly any forest left. Greta knows she has to help the animals who live in the forest, but how? Luckily, Greta has an idea…

Discussion Points:

In what ways do you look after the environment? How do you help your local area?

Do you know who Greta Thunberg is? What has she done to help save the environment?

What would you pledge to do to help look after your community?